Past Issues

2024: Volume 6, Issue 2

Phase Behavior of Low-Temperature Metallomesogen and Commercial Liquid Crystal Mixtures

Hassan-Ali Hakemi*

Plastic Liquid Crystal Technology, Via Lambro 80, 20846 Macherio (MB), Italy

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Hassan-Ali Hakemi, Plastic Liquid Crystal Technology, Via Lambro 80, 20846 Macherio (MB), Italy, Phone: +39 349 5679838; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: June 14, 2024

Publication Date: July 30, 2024

Citation: Hakemi HA. (2024). Phase Behavior of Low-Temperature Metallomesogen and Commercial Liquid Crystal Mixtures. Material Science. 6(2):30.

Copyright: Hakemi HA. © (2024).


We studied the effect of a low-temperature nematic metallomesogen (MOM) model structure based on synthesized rod-like Palladium (Pd) Alkyl/Alkoxy-Azobenzeneon on transition temperatures of its eutectic ligand/MOM mixture with a low-temperature E43 and high-temperature TN10427 commercial nematic liquid crystals. The results indicate complete and wide-range nematic miscibilies of these model mixtures as potential materials for application in electro-optical devices.

Keywords: Metallomesogen, Ligand, Low-Temperature, Phase Diagram, Nematic, Miscibility, Eutectic Point

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