Current Issue

Foundations of Magnetic Field Definition

Stanislav Ordin*

The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Stanislav Ordin, The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: May 10, 2024

Publication Date: June 10, 2024

Citation: Ordin S. (2024). Foundations of Magnetic Field Definition. Material Science. 6(1):27.

Copyright: Ordin S. © (2024). 


The fundamental physical contradictions of the canonized Definition of the Magnetic Field and mathematical errors in the foundations of its description were given in previous works. Here they are generalized and the incompleteness of the previously used orthogonal reference point of the Magnetic Field Description is shown. But, before giving its corrected definition, it was necessary to consider the model of the new Oscillator, taking into account fragments of previously introduced models relating to the general dynamics of the Magnetic Field. In this work, it was found that, in contrast to the conditional complexity of solutions of a real Harmonic Oscillator, the orthogonality of the Magnetic Field leads, due to reactive damping, to the emergence of true complexity of its equation of motion itself, and to complex oscillations (harmonics). These obtained solutions reflect the orthogonality of the Ampere-Lorentz Force to the electric field.

Keywords: Orthogonal Frame, Oscillator, Real Solution, Complex Solution, Orthogonal Ampere Force

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